
Dance Music News Blog

All of a sudden you come home and change the diapers or take out the trash. What I love about it is when I come to a family meeting it’s no longer about me.


Armin Van Buuren can look back to  another legendary year in succession. 2013 made him a proud dad once again Armin: “The fact that my son Remy was born, that was the biggest highlight.” At stage right of a darkened auditorium, Armin van Buuren is flashing a photo on his iPhone. “That’s my son,” he says proudly.

Earlier in the year, Armin van Buuren was looking out from Tomorrowland’s impressive main stage, announcing the birth of his son. It was a heartfelt moment among tens of thousands of fans, set at a festival renowned for its no-expense-spared spectacle. Now a father of two, some friends regard to him as DJ Diaperactive.

Armin: “I always knew I wanted children and it just felt the right time. It’s a bit strange, because it’s such a contrast of being on the road and on stage. All of a sudden you come home and change the diapers or take out the trash. What I love about it is when I come to a family meeting it’s no longer about me. I don’t want to talk about me. Now it’s all about my daughter or my son; it puts life in balance. It just feels right. It’s definitely changed me a lot.”

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Parenting Magazine

His parenting skills didn’t go unnoticed. Parenting Magazine had nominated tons of celebrities, including Olivier Martinez and Kanye West, but ultimately chose Armin Van Buuren as Best dad of 2013. The honor for best mother went to Kim Kardashian.



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