[wp_ad_camp_2] Some people call Sander Van Doorn a technical & musical genius. And who can deny it? He has cranked out more dance floor destroyers, sold-out gigs, number one records, and awards than most artists do in a lifetime. With
Hammarica.com Daily DJ Interview: SANDER VAN DOORN
Seattle + Freaknight Festival + Armin + 22.000 = PARTYROCK
Documentary About Dutch Influence On EDM Scene Debuts At ADE
Exclusive Interview With Jochen Miller
[wp_ad_camp_2] Hi Jochen, first off: thanks for joining Hammarica.com with this interview! Jochen, you have been DJing for quite a while and enjoying success with massive productions like ‘Lost Connection’, ‘Humanoid’, the Energy2011 anthem ‘Classified’ and recently the Rank-1 and