As we all know, the EDM scene is dominated by males. The testosterone levels in the DJ Mag Top 100 came to an all time high and at most festivals, the DJ booths are annoying booze laden sausage fests.
This despite the fact the global dance scene offers tons of really good female artists. We name Miss Djax, Ellen Alien, Misstress Barbara, Maya Jane Coles, Miss Nine, Tokimonsta, Nicole Moudaber, Miss Kitten and so forth. These ladies have special skills and are known to destroy dancefloors. Yet, for some reason they are not appreciated at the same level as their male counterparts.
So why is there not a change? Why is it that there can be a ton of very successful female singer/songwriters in the world, but not many recognized names in the dance scene?
We will kindly ignore anyone who screams “But Paris Hilton is the highest paid DJ!”
That just proves our point.
A really high ranking DJ/producer coming from the big room house scene with multiple belters under his name now comes forward. In a bid to make a change and get more female DJs recognized, he decided to go for a sex change.
The DJ, who is slightly metro by nature, but not transsexual, explains this was a deliberate choice to boost the number of successful females in the scene.
“Next year, after my successful sex change, I will have 5 number 1 hit records on Beatport. They will all sound the same and will be made with popular software I did not pay for. Subsequently, I will achieve a new entry at #4 in the DJ Mag Top 100 using my powerful management team (and bank account). You see, unlike previous years where the trend was to come fresh from the diapers and make it big; next year it’s all about the sex change DJs.