
Markus Schulz Boycott EDM News

You shouldn’t listen to the abusive comments of “non-believers”, and be proud of your belief in unicorns, and that they are out there roaming the earth, that YOU know the truth.


He is one of the most friendly and down to earth DJs around. Humble, yet incredibly talented: Markus Schulz. Lauded for his signature Schulz sound and one of the most in-demand touring DJs.

He is also known for ‘slaying unicorns.’ A Markus Schulz fan came up with that and somebody posted it up and Markus re-tweeted that.  It went crazy and turned into a whole movement. Cheesy trance is known as unicorn trance and Markus is known to avoid playing that kind of sounds. That’s where it comes from.

However, some people take everything way too serious. And some groups have weird beliefs. Plus they can’t spot the difference between real events and satire. A group by the name of ‘Unicorn Minions Elite Komrades’ from Ukraine (U.M.E.K) now urges for a boycott of the upcoming album ‘Scream 2’ – the follow up to ‘Scream.’

Markus Schulz Unicorn Slayer Boycott

(click for big)

This message can be seen on the front page of their website. When you browse a bit more, you’ll find a range of wacky statements like this one:

Loopcloud Music App from Loopmasters.com

U.M.E.K.: “Our governments hide many things from us: aliens, monsters, the location of the secret island which Elvis and Princess Diana live on. The list is endless with the Pseudo-crap that our nations hide from us. But no more. Now we make our stand and say: We believe. Because of all the lies about aliens and monsters that our rulers keep secret they hide this one the greatest: unicorns. We see media coverage on aliens and the Yeti and investigations into abuse of Chinese children slave labourers. But NOT unicorns. This is a call to all Unicorn believers that you are not alone in this world! That you shouldn’t listen to the abusive comments of “non-believers”, and be proud of your belief in unicorns, and that they are out there roaming the earth, that YOU know the truth. “

Unbelievable how some people just don’t have brains.

The good news: Scream II will be available on CD and iTunes from Armada Music, February 2014. More information about the album will be revealed soon!

Official Scream II Release Parties:
Thursday February 6 – Sound, Los Angeles SOLD OUT
Friday February 7 – Mansion, Miami
Saturday February 8 – Pacha, New York City
Friday February 14 – The Gallery at Ministry of Sound, London




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