Hailing from Alanya, Turkey, Mike Oz embarked on his musical journey at the age of 18, where his passion for music flourished. After making a momentous move to Los Angeles in 2006, he quickly found himself in high demand, securing residencies at some of the city’s most prominent nightclubs. His performances were met with praise and enthusiasm, garnering positive press coverage and solidifying his position in the music scene.
How would you classify your music?
Tech house.
Who are some of your top 5 musical influences?
Dillon Francis, Tyga.
If you could meet, play a gig, co-write a song, have dinner, have a drink with any band or artist (dead or alive) who would it be?
David Guetta, Dom Dolla, Fisher, Chris Lake, Diplo.
What’s next for you?
Djing different countries and festivals.